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ADUs (Accessory Dwellling Units)

"ADUs are designed to provide additional housing options and can be used for various purposes, such as accommodating family members, generating rental income, or providing affordable housing."

Blue House

An Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) is a small, self-contained residential unit located on the same property as a single-family home. It's also commonly referred to as a "granny flat," "in-law suite," or "backyard cottage." ADUs are designed to provide additional housing options and can be used for various purposes, such as accommodating family members, generating rental income, or providing affordable housing.


ADUs come in different forms, including converted garages, basement apartments, detached structures in the backyard, or even additions to the main house. They have gained popularity as a way to address housing shortages, promote multigenerational living, and make better use of existing residential properties.

Local regulations and zoning codes often dictate the size, design, and permitted uses of ADUs. Some areas have made efforts to ease restrictions to encourage ADU construction, recognizing their potential to increase housing supply without significant urban expansion. Peak Colorado Homes is here to help you navigate this process.


Overall, ADUs offer a flexible housing solution that can benefit homeowners, renters, and communities by increasing housing availability, promoting sustainable land use, and potentially providing extra income for property owners.


Ready to learn more? Schedule Your Free Consultation with Peak Colorado Homes.

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